Ramya Geethika Khandavilli

Full Stack Developer

About Me

I have completed my Bachelor’s in Information Technology in May 2019. I worked as a Business Intelligence Analyst and worked majorly on Power BI. And I am a Versatile professional with more than a year of experience as a Full Stack Web Developer. I have experience with both frontend and backend and have done multiple projects. Also have hands on experience in handling database such as PostgreSQL, Mongo DB and Version Control using Git. Currently, I am working as a Web Developer in GR Marketing Group.

Web Technologies

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


React, Express, jQuery
Node Js


Python, C, C++

Visualization Tools

Power BI, Tableau


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL

Testing Tools

Cypress, Mocha & chai, Jest

Version Control:


Design Tools used:

Bootstrap, SASS

YardShare YEG

A React application that connects Landholders who are interested in sharing their yards with the Growers

Interview Scheduler

A React application that allows users to book and cancel interviews,combined a concise API with a WebSocket server to build a realtime experience.


A Single Page App (SPA) built with HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and AJAX on the client-side, and Node, Express and MongoDB on the server-side.

Tiny App

TinyApp is a full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten the long URLs for the user and shows sign up for new users.

    Get in touch

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    Send me Emails at geethikakramya@gmail.com

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